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About Us

Preserve Indonesia was founded in 2003 by Kestity Pringgoharjono with the simple idea of preserving an old Indonesian text, Serat Centhini, and making it accessible to a wider audience.  Sharing Serat Centhini’s essence with  more people, both an international audience and a younger generation, led to its English translation and interpretation in “The Centhini Story, the Javanese Journey of Life in 2006. This book  showcases  many facets of Javanese knowledge and applies them in a modern setting.


The experience of  making “The Centhini Story” highlighted the important role of the arts and culture in our everyday lives.  Arts and culture develop identity, shape behavior, and build bridges for understanding; they can influence commercial interactions and political diplomacy and provide a medium for resolving social problems.


Focusing on arts and culture since 2006, Preserve Indonesia  is a cultural initiative leveraging innovation in creating and participating in unique activities and programs.  Preserve Indonesia collaborates with leading local and international figures and organizations for projects in design, food, film, music and performance. 


Preserve Indonesia aims to provide value by participating in and supporting activities and programs that inspire, challenge and educate while making  a positive impact on society.  We  strongly believe that this positive effect extends to commercial activities, international dialogue and social inclusion.


Javanese New Year celebration at Ngrenehan Beach,

Gunung Kidul, Jogjakarta, Java Island, Indonesia

Reference About Kestity Pringgoharjono


Contact Us



The CEO Building 8th Floor,  Jl. T.B. Simatupang 18C, Jakarta 12430, INDONESIA
Tel : +6221 75918235   |   Fax: +6221 28868861

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