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Batik at Asia Week Hong Kong

The Rich Heritage of Indonesian Batik - The Story of a Cloth Time Traveller
An Opening Talk at Asia Week 2016 and Workshops

25-28 May 2016

University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU

90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam



Preserve Indonesia collaborated with Asia Week Hong Kong (“AWHK”) to present “The Rich Heritage of Indonesian Batik”.  Josephine Komara, popularly known as Obin, founder of Bin House and Museum Kain (Cloth Museum) in Bali, spoke on the origins, production techniques, and evolution of Batik.


The event marked the opening AWHK annual series of events.  The event saw an address by Ms. Florence Hui, Under Secretary of Human Affairs, Hong Kong SAR and was hosted by Candice Lee, Director of AWHK, Dr. Florian Knothe, Director of Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery (“UMAG HKU”), Mr. Chalief Akbar, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia for Hong Kong SAR and Macau, and Kestity Pringgoharjono, President of Preserve Indonesia.


Asia Week Hong Kong promotes Asian arts in Hong Kong by showcasing a collaboration with the galleries, museums, auction houses and cultural institutions and presents Asian art from antiquities to contemporary.  This event was the first Indonesian event for AWHK.


This event was complimented by workshops on Batik production techniques and additional lectures hosted by UMAG HKU and Savannah College of Arts and Design in Hong Kong.





The Opening Talk

Workshops & Lectures



  • "Batik Obin dipamerkan di Hong Kong" - an article in CNN Indonesia : link

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